Date Home Away
Coach Team Score Score Team Coach
2018-10-29 17:23:42
(1278 → 1286 = +8)
(1255 → 1264 = +9)
5 3 Pride of Playdancers
(1208 → 1199 = -9)
(1212 → 1204 = -8)


Number Name Type MA ST AG AV Skills Level Experience
1 Инсульт Rat Ogre 6 5 2 8 Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Loner, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal, Break Tackle, Block, Stand Firm, Juggernaut
5 68
2 Туберкулёз Stormvermin 7 3 3 8 Block, Mighty Blow
2 6
3 Ангина Stormvermin 7 3 4 8 Block, +1 AG, Tackle
3 22
4 Геморой Gutter Runner 9 2 4 7 Dodge
0 5 (+2)
5 Эпилепсия Gutter Runner 9 2 5 7 Dodge, Guard, +1 AG, Block, Leap, Sure Hands
Niggle, DEATH
6 83 (+7)
6 Диарея Gutter Runner 9 2 5 7 Dodge, +1 AG, Wrestle, Strip Ball
4 50 (+4)
7 ВИЧ Gutter Runner 9 2 4 7 Dodge
0 0 (+9)
8 Дир Смертоносный Lineman 7 4 3 7 +1 ST, Block
3 18
9 Вуто Мордхеймский Lineman 7 3 3 7 Wrestle
Badly hurt
2 6
10 Финйк Дрессировщик Lineman 7 3 3 7 Dirty Player, Wrestle
3 22 (+5)
11 Диабет Lineman 7 3 3 7
0 2 (+2)
12 Геморрой Lineman 7 3 3 7
0 0
13 Лайм Lineman 7 3 3 7
0 0
Number Name Type MA ST AG AV Skills Level Experience
1 Ulviirice Wardancer 8 3 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ball, Piling On
5 68 (+1)
2 Thebestor Wardancer 8 3 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Mighty Blow
3 29 (+2)
3 Zesalu Catcher 8 2 5 7 Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +1 AG, Block, Side Step, Sure Feet, Leap
6 82 (+1)
4 Дарандар Catcher 8 2 4 7 Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block
2 7 (+6)
5 Altonril Lineman 7 3 4 7 Dodge, Wrestle, Side Step, Guard
5 72
6 Ginyth Lineman 7 3 4 7 Dodge, Block, Guard
4 42 (+4)
7 Celendil Lineman 7 3 4 7
0 0 (+8)
8 Ellanna Thrower 7 3 5 6 Pass, Block, +1 AG
- AV
3 19 (+3)
9 Nasuk Treeman 2 6 1 10 Mighty Blow, Loner, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate, Take Root, Guard
2 8
10 Guardian Lineman 7 3 4 7
0 0
11 Elvaneyl Lineman 7 3 3 7 Loner
- AG
0 0


Болезненные vs Pride of Playdancers
5 Score 3
1770 Value 1800


36 Inflicted Tackles 48
48 Sustained Tackles 36
10 Inflicted Injuries 14
15 Sustained Injuries 13
2 Inflicted Ko 4
4 Sustained Ko 3
1 Inflicted Casualties 3
4 Sustained Casualties 1
0 Inflicted Dead 1
2 Sustained Dead 0
0 Inflicted Push Outs 1


0 Sustained Interceptions 0
5 Inflicted Touchdowns 3
72 Inflicted Meters Passing 36
160 Inflicted Meters Running 196
7 Inflicted Passes 5
7 Inflicted Catches 5


43 Possession Ball 37
12 Occupation Own 12
31 Occupation Their 25


2 Winnings Dice 5
8 Popularity Before Match 7
1 Popularity Gain -1
0 Cash Spent Inducements 50000
20000 Cash Before Match 170000
40000 Cash Earned Before Concession 50000
40000 Cash Earned 50000