Date Home Away
Coach Team Score Score Team Coach
2022-03-06 21:30:00
(1222 → 1222 = 0)
Three hundred buckz
(1199 → 1199 = 0)
1 1 Faith Steel and Ball
(1199 → 1199 = 0)
(1229 → 1229 = 0)


Number Name Type MA ST AG AV Skills Level Experience
1 Dungeon Master Blitzer 7 3 4 8 Block, Tackle
2 8
2 Deep Dark Adventurer Blitzer 7 3 4 8 Block, Dodge
2 6 (+10)
3 Super Crushlord Blitzer 7 3 4 8 Block
0 0 (+2)
4 Торбриор Lineman 6 3 4 8 Loner
Badly hurt
0 0
5 Sugar Knees Lineman 6 3 4 8
0 0
6 Elektrodrel Witch Elf 7 3 4 7 Frenzy, Dodge, Jump Up
0 3
7 Cringing Worm Lineman 6 3 4 8 Kick
2 6
8 Silent Dog Lineman 6 2 4 8
- ST
0 1
9 Scratching Hand Lineman 6 3 4 8 Wrestle
2 6
10 Chocolate Disco Lineman 6 3 4 7 Dodge
- AV
2 6
11 Faceless Puzzle Runner 7 3 4 7 Dump-Off, Catch
2 6
Number Name Type MA ST AG AV Skills Level Experience
1 Варвар БИТЬ! Ogre 5 5 2 9 Bone-head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate, Loner, Block
2 7 (+5)
2 Плут клептоман Blitzer 7 4 3 8 Block, +1 ST
Badly hurt
2 10
3 Красавчик бард Blitzer 7 3 3 8 Block, Guard
2 12
4 Рейнджер Милишник Blitzer 7 3 3 8 Block
0 2
5 Друид Фурри Blitzer 7 3 3 8 Block
0 3 (+3)
6 Чистая 1 Thrower 6 3 3 8 Pass, Sure Hands
Badly hurt
0 2
7 Мимик Catcher 8 2 3 8 Dodge, Catch
0 0
8 Предыстория на 300 стр Lineman 6 3 3 8
0 2 (+2)
9 Бесполезный артефакт Lineman 6 3 3 8
0 0
10 Не практичное оружие Lineman 6 3 3 8
0 0
11 Мейнхольф Фентлберри Lineman 6 3 3 8 Loner
0 0


Three hundred buckz vs Faith Steel and Ball
1 Score 1
1270 Value 1170


43 Inflicted Tackles 42
42 Sustained Tackles 43
8 Inflicted Injuries 13
13 Sustained Injuries 8
1 Inflicted Ko 3
3 Sustained Ko 1
2 Inflicted Casualties 1
1 Sustained Casualties 2
0 Inflicted Dead 0
0 Sustained Dead 0
0 Inflicted Push Outs 0


0 Sustained Interceptions 0
1 Inflicted Touchdowns 1
0 Inflicted Meters Passing 0
40 Inflicted Meters Running 84
0 Inflicted Passes 0
0 Inflicted Catches 0


31 Possession Ball 62
6 Occupation Own 31
25 Occupation Their 31


1 Winnings Dice 3
4 Popularity Before Match 4
1 Popularity Gain 1
0 Cash Spent Inducements 0
20000 Cash Before Match 30000
30000 Cash Earned Before Concession 40000
30000 Cash Earned 40000